
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Teach Like Me

I love being a teacher! Sometimes it is the best job in the world and the worst job in the world. I'm sure that teaching is the only job where you can both love and hate your job at the same time.

My reason and my why for teaching is simple. "So every child can experience the love and beauty that music can bring." Over the past five years of doing this amazing thing, I have been able to help students fall in love with choral music. More than just learning about choral music, they learn a little bit more about themselves along the way.

Just today I attended my first senior reception. What I love about Broken Arrow is how they have receptions for seniors to go back to their elementary schools and middle schools, this group of seniors were my first class of Eighth Graders. My first year of teaching...I cried a lot. I mean I cried a lot, like sometimes everyday. To see these kids come back to my school, grown and matured, made all of those crazy tears worth it.

One senior made me cry again, but in a good way. He told me that I was his favorite teacher of all time. If it wasn't for me I would have never been in show choir, he would have never had the greatest experiences of his life. FOR THE LOVE!

He is thinking about becoming a choir teacher and that makes me beyond happy. In a world and a system where so many are leaving the profession, I can't even think about doing anything else! I have heard that many teachers don't even encourage their students to become teachers, but I can't do that.

So why should you teach music like me? Because each day you get be crazy, creative, and have some fun with some amazing kids. You aren't just teaching them about music, you are teaching them so much more.

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