
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

What Is Your Song?

Today I wrapped up a unit on musical theater with my Fine Arts class today. Today they shared with me their favorites songs and moments from their favorite musicals. One girl shared "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" from The Wizard of Oz. 

This is just one of my favorite songs ever, I remember the first time I heard, I was only five but I remember in that moment I thought that singing would be really cool and I wanted to do that too. It became my song.

I think so much of my life is defined my certain songs during certain periods of my life. More than anything I want my students to discover a song that defines their lives or at least moments in their lives.

I felt like today that rediscovered Somewhere Over the Rainbow for the first time. That is what I love most about music. How healing, how powerful, how magical it can be. Sometimes it is hard for me to wrap around my head that this is what I get to do everyday, showing middle school kids that they can find "their song" their Somewhere Over the Rainbow. But I get to do this. Holy Smokes. I get to do this.  When kids find their song, they find their voice. They find how to use their voice in a dark world to make the biggest difference.

Educators, what is "your song?" What is "our song?" We are in a unique moment in the history of education in our state. What song is defining this moment? What song is keeping you going? What song gives you your voice?

"If happy little bluebirds fly, beyond the rainbow. Why can't I?" 

Why can't I make a difference? Why not me? Whatever is beyond the rainbow, the longing of this heart is just to change the world. One middle school singer at a time.

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