
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Pink Loyd

Sometimes really cool projects just come your way and you can't say no.

One of our amazing teachers at Sequoyah, Lisa Everley, is an amazing musician and she herself is in a pretty cool band. She decided to use our enrichment time this past semester to do a garage band. This has been her project all semester, she brought together students to start a band. Some of these boys only just picked up guitars and drumsticks, they came together and created something awesome. They had a drummer, bass guitar, electric guitar, and lead guitar and all they were missing was lead vocals. So the awesome Mrs. Everley asked me to join in. So I, the classically trained soprano, learned some Nirvana and sang "Come As You Are." Because I know when you think of Nirvana, I'm what pops into your mind.

When discussing the name for this band, we had many names, but the play on of my name and Pink Floyd resulted in Pink Loyd. For the Love, precious.

Music has just always been in my life. I bookmark so many of my life experiences based on my musical experiences. This was a musical experience I will never be able to forget. Not because I sounded amazing, because I had some struggles, but because music brought together a group of students. Music made them successful. Music gave them a purpose. Music gave them a reason to be excited about school.

It took about everything I had not to lose it then and there when the entire student body gave them a standing ovation and cheered them on. It was a moment they will never forget. It was a moment that I will never forget. I just love these kids. I just love music. I just love music education. For the Love, someone pass the tissue!!!

This is what I can tell you, no amount of OCCTs, EOIs, RTIs, SLOs, OAMs,  VAMs, or other educational acronyms you can think of can ever begin to describe the amount of success those boys had today. We have big talk an education about hands on project based learning, and this was as hands on as it gets. Lisa Everley you are a freaking rock start educator. You have created memories and I'm calling it now career paths for these boys. Working with you is awesome and I'm proud to call you my colleague. If you needed a reason for why music programs are important to public schools, I will point you in the direction of Pink Loyd.

Pink Loyd, I love you. Thanks for letting me jam with you. Don't stop. Don't stop learning your craft and making yourselves better. Please remember, Mrs. Everley, Miss Loyd, and Sequoyah Middle School when you are accepting your Grammy for best Rock Album. Rock on, Pink Loyd, rock on!

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