
Monday, May 11, 2015

Dear College Senior Me

It is hard to believe but four years ago this week I graduated from college. As of today I have been out of college for the same about of time that I was in college. Craziness!!!! Some of the best moments of my life were spent at Oklahoma Baptist University. Those hours spent in the Raley basement, Ford Music Hall, the Mabee Learning Center, and GC made me who I am today. But I do remember that day I was so ready to get out of there and be done with school!! But I didn't really fully enjoy some of that moment and that day because I kept thinking of other stuff....gosh MegLo get it together.

So today I'm presently writing a letter to past me, from future me....I think. I've never been really good with wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff.

Dear Meghan,

Today you are graduating from Oklahoma Baptist University, I'm sure you never thought that this day would ever happen, but it is here! There are a lot of things swarming in your head, but you know what it will be okay. Just enjoy this moment, don't think to much about it, and wear the flats not the heels. Because when it is time for you to go on stage and sing with the graduation choir, you are going to trip and fall. Your parents should have named you Grace.

However because I know you, well because I am you, I know that no matter what you will still be freaking out about stuff.

Our job-you won't be unemployed. In fact that job that you interviewed for a month ago that you haven't heard back from, that you are absolutely sure you didn't get. Well you did. And it has changed your life forever. You think that nothing could get better than your time in college, but it just keeps getting better. This job will change your life. You will make some of the most amazing friends. You will work with some of the most talented educators around. You will have some of the most amazing students on the planet. You will have successes and failures, good days and bad days. but it will be the most rewarding experience of your life.

Our friendships-Yes you, Sarah, Courtney, and Melissa are still friends. In fact your friendships are stronger than ever. You are spread out across the country, but you will drop everything for them. They support you, they share in your struggles, and celebrate in your successes. You will celebrate weddings, a baby, new jobs, and everything in between. You will cover each other in prayer everyday. They are some of the most important people in your life.

Our relationship-For the Love, you are still single. AND IT IS FREAKING AWESOME!!!! So what you didn't find the love of your life at OBU. It is okay. You will be okay. You will have some much fun. You will have some tears. You will have what in the world moments, I'm going to die alone moments. But it is all okay. And what Dr. Reeder said won't be true. You won't have triplets in five years. (Love you Dr. Redder).

Enjoy this day, but For the Love please wear the flats!!!!

xoxo future MegLo (yes you still love being called MegLo).

Excusing me as I sit in the corner and cry.

For those of you that guided me to graduation day thank you. To my parents for supporting me along the way, you are amazing. To all of my professors you have made me the educator that I am today. You are the most amazing people in the history of the world. Thresa Swadley thank your letting me be the Choral Contest Goddess, it prepared me for my job more than you can ever know! Monica Mullins thank you for the countless hours of coffee chats. Thank you for not letting me quit, for encouraging me, and expanding my love of coffee and cats! As you have said thanks be to God that our paths crossed. Dr. Lilite, thanks for picking the best songs for me to learn and for encouraging me to find new ways to use my voice. Dr. Gerber thanks for making a teacher. Dr. Vernon thanks for letting me conduct Bisonettes and for still being a part of my students' lives. They love you more than they love me! Dr. Todd, I wish more than anything that I could grab coffee with you, talk about life with you, and Call the Hogs in front of you when Arkansas beats Kentucky. You changed my life. You changed so many lives. Thank you for the impact you left on mine. I remembered on graduation you hugged me and told me to go forward brilliantly. I hope that I have made you proud.

Memaw having you there that day was the best. I love you and miss you each passing day.

Sarah, Courtney, and Melissa. I love you ladies and I'm so grateful for our friendships!!! Love ya!!!!

My four years at OBU were some of the best, but oh man...these past four years. I wouldn't change it for the world!!! God Bless OBU.

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